PSP40416 Certificate IV in Government Investigations
About this Qualification
Officers primarily engaged as investigators need to hold the PSP40416 Certificate IV in Government Investigations which was released in March 2016.
This qualification is designed for officers working in operational roles undertaking government investigation related functions, with a particular focus on meeting the ethical and legislative requirements of the public service. The qualification covers the broad range of skills required to operate without supervision in a government investigations environment.
Participants learn the skills and knowledge required to plan, initiate, conduct and finalise an investigation.
Units of Competency
Core Units
- PSPETH002 Uphold and support the values and principles of public service
- PSPINV001 Plan and initiate an investigation
- PSPINV002 Conduct an investigation
- PSPINV003 Finalise an investigation
- PSPREG003 Apply regulatory powers
- PSPREG012 Gather information through interviews
Elective Units
- BSBWHS301 Assist with maintaining workplace safety
- PSPLEG002 Encourage compliance with legislation in the public sector
- PSPREG004 Promote client compliance
- PSPREG010 Prepare a brief of evidence
- PSPGEN043 Apply government processes
- PSPCRT007 Compile and use official notes
- PSPREG006 Produce a formal record of interview
- PSPPCY004 Support policy implementation
- PSPREG005 Assess compliance
Once the Certificate 4 Government investigations is complete, students can then undertake either or both of the following competencies for a small additional cost.
PSP40316 Certificate IV in Government Security (Fraud control)
PSP40416 Certificate IV in Government Investigations (Regulatory compliance)
PSP40316 Certificate IV in Government Security (Fraud control)
The fraud control specialisation covers the skills required by those responsible for preventing and detecting fraud.
In order to combine this qualification with the standard PSP40416 Certificate IV in Government Investigations, candidates must complete these additional units:
- PSPFRU0001 Monitor data for indicators of fraud
- PSPFRU002 Conduct fraud control awareness sessions
- PSPGEN034 Compose complex workplace documents
- PSPSEC009 Handle sensitive information
This course requires the completion of an extra two day face-to-face workshop via Zoom and self-paced online learning.
This will cost an additional $1,700.
PSP40416 Certificate IV in Government Investigations (Regulatory compliance)
The regulatory compliance specialisation covers the skills required by those responsible for ensuring statutory compliance with the requirements of legislation, regulations and organisational policy.
In order to combine this qualification with the standard PSP40416 Certificate IV in Government Investigations, candidates must complete these additional units:
- PSPREG008 Act on non-compliance
- PSPREG015 Receive and validate data
This course requires the completion of extra online study.
This will cost an additional $550.
Course Information
5Course Code
Certificate IV in Government Investigations
Delivery & Duration
This programme includes a blend of self-paced online learning and face-to-face workshops:
Session 1 = 4 Days Virtual Classroom (online)
Session 2 = 4 Days Classroom Workshop & Assessments (in person)
Eligible candidates can commence the online component of the training at any time.
PSP40316 Certificate IV in Government Security (Fraud control)
Additional $1,700
PSP40416 Certificate IV in Government Investigations (Regulatory compliance)
Additional $550